Home Relationships Woman of Glory

Woman of Glory

Woman of Glory

Many say,

A woman is an ornament!

but I say,

A woman is an ointment!

It is okay to say what you say,

Yet allow me say what I say;

She has a career,

She will never run out of care,

She will be a safe courier,

She will skip many a snare,

She will wash off any scare,

She will carry any tire,

She will stop any fire,

She will dry any tear,

She will pay any fare,

She will share…

  to bring a smile

  the extra mile

  for those whom she loves,

  those whom she receives,

  those whom she believes…

she will give her life

to bring life

without any strife!

She isn’t an ornament,

She is an ointment!

Paul S. Mugano

For more poetry click here.


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