I make progress,
Only to be a mess.
Tripping into an abyss;
In the kingdom of darkness.
I trust my own strength,
Wisdom and knowledge.
My mouth drips blasphemy,
And lies.
I am filthy and undeserving.
I walk away,
On my own paths.
I build fortresses,
Fortresses to keep you off.
I doubt your promises.
I question your ways.
I defy your commandments.
I forget your capability.
Yet in all my shambles,
You always,
Leave the ninety nine for the One.
You lay your life down for the One.
You call walls down for the One.
You light up the darkness for the One.
You move mountains for the One.
You calm storms for the One.
You shower grace for the One.
You offer your love for an anchor for the One.
You call the One your child,
An apple of your eye.
You receive the One gladly back,
Wipe their tears,
And dress them with your righteousness.
For neither death,
Nor life,
Nor angels,
Nor principalities,
Nor powers,
Nor things present,
Nor things to come,
Nor height,
Nor depth,
Nor any other creature,
Shall be able to separate the One
From the love of God,
Which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Written by John Kitaa
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