My stomach is Rumbling…
It is in the middle of the night, I woke up. I rarely wake up in the night. Usually I have deep sweet sleep. I dream a lot, perhaps 3, 4 dreams a night plus a bonus if I snooze the alarm. I like to think that drooling is a sign of enjoying sleep. My sister sleep talks sometimes,...
More than friends
I didn't see it coming and neither did I see it ending. I dated this man for only a few months. My relationship with God at the time was in the gutters. I think I was looking for Him but in all the wrong places, however, at that time it was right to me. Getting loved is something extremely...
Order and Structure
If you are like me then you like order, not knowing the next step bothers you. Even though you don’t have things written down, like a 2, 3, 10 year plan, you have a strategy. You have a reasonable “how”. A reasonable plan perhaps a fall back plan if things don’t go as expected. What to do though when...
God of Vengeance
Being an adult simply means that you have had an encounter with pain at one point in your life. Pain is personal, you are the one that understands yours most. You have lived it, felt it, eaten it and even breathed it. The sting of it is almost all too fresh. The wounds even though they may or not...
On the Search 2…..
He has the best ride of his life because Kenya is a beautiful country. He sees the mountains, the hills the valleys the rivers the lakes, the Animals, Buffalo, Giraffe, Zebras, Deer, a free safari He tells me. He had the best and yes it was all free. They get to Nairobi. He gets off and goes to Stanley. Stanley...
Dear Future Husband
Well, should we start with a hi? Or should we start by asking where are you? And what is taking you so long? Don’t you have the balls, are you scared? Am I making you feel things that you want to remain buried? Maybe you should let me in on what’s happening because I clearly seem to have no...
On a Search…..
Today morning during my run, something interesting happened. First of all, I did double the kilometers I do. Now, scrap every thought you have of how fit you think I am, In fact I am an occasional runner and sometimes it depends on my moods, perhaps I should not be proud to say that. One lap of the running track is approximately 3.5km. Yes, your girl did...
God Answers When We Call
How do you feel when you make a phone call and receive no response? How do you feel when the shrilling sound of your friend's mobile phone chimes in in the middle of a conversation? The urge to tell them to pick it up or end it? Whenever we are in desperate situations we call our parents. We call our...
When Strangers Meet a Stranger In a Strange Land
The mannequins at the boutique entrance were soaked in smiles. He touched the female one's lips- they were lifeless and dry. Though he managed to keep a calm appearance, he could not keep calm in the deepest chambers of his heart. He was seething and boiling with an overwhelming sanitized joy from inside. The acceptance letter had come to...
Where was God? (Part 3)
“I forgive him.” Blessings eased these three words to the judge who, in disbelief, adjusted her owl-wired glasses on her nose bridge. Really Blessings? The courtroom air was charged with indistinct hubbub. Forgiveness doesn’t diminish justice; it just entrusts it to God. Blessings did not want to continue harboring anger and bitterness in her heart anymore. Anger gives the devil a...