I feel like I’m just going through life’s motions
Do you ever have moments when you feel as though things have just lost taste? Nothing excites you anymore. Things don’t give you the...
God’s Masterpiece
God’s masterpiece.Wonderfully and fearfully made.
The function of man is to live,Not to exist.Let not the past weigh you down.Spend not sleepless nights,Probing into...
My stomach is Rumbling…
It is in the middle of the night, I woke up. I rarely wake up in the night. Usually I have deep sweet sleep....
The Best Way To Save Efficiently
Most of us haven’t grown up with proper financial literacy. We do not know where our money goes to and neither do we know...
Best strategies in learning a new language.
Best strategies in learning a new language. Are you seeking to learn a new language and are looking for the best strategies to learn the new language faster?
Is the Lord present in the midst of all the Darkness?
Darkness is the partial or total absence of light
Is the Lord present in the midst of all the Darkness? Let's take a walk back...
Navigating the PathWays of Life
Life baffles me! Some say that you shouldn’t go looking for life’s meaning, that somehow its purpose will catch up on you. I don’t...
In the Beauty of the Universe
As I look out of my window, something beautiful is happening, It is a full moon night! It is a mustard-yellow beautiful full moon....
I feel like I’m just going through life’s motions
Do you ever have moments when you feel as though things have just lost taste? Nothing excites you anymore. Things don’t give you the...
Creating Good Successful Habits
We all have habits, whether we are aware of them or not. Habits are the actions we do repeatedly and automatically, without much thought...
Is Transition really difficult?
We have all moved from one level to another if we are growing. Ahem! transition is hard.
Well, I don't know if I am a...
It’s Okay…
It matters not how you feel or how it feels ;It is okay not to be okay. Don’t get rid of yourself. You’re a child of the universe.
Because Silence Is Beautiful
It’s human’s behaviour to sweat the silence with these small topics disregarding the fact that silence does not always have to be filled. If you can show the other person that you’re comfortable in silence, then they will be too and it won’t be awkward.
Woman of Glory
Many say,
A woman is an ornament!
but I say,
A woman is an ointment!
It is okay to say what you say,
Yet allow me say what I...
Nutshell Of Fish Love
Love is known to possess the ability to heal, soothe and even bring joy; but can it also be used to do exactly the opposite? Some of its unfortunate practitioners have implanted each other with permanent scars and bruises on their faces behind its mask. It has been alleged that love expresses itself in action. That what we feel is reflected in what we do. It is known to be blind in nature and so it intoxicates its patients with blindness. This way, they are unable to differentiate the randomly and loosely connected reality from it. Hearts have been broken, traumatised and left to freeze with cold fear of love because they believe that hurt is part of romantic relationship packages.
Reroute me
I look back, reminiscing...............
Thinking about life, particularly what is the meaning of mine?
Decisions are inevitable, yet they are not my thing!
Free will, what...