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Where was God?

Where was God

She heard someone call her name. Strangely, the voice came from above. I am sure it was Zacchaeus - the tax collector. It’s only Zacchaeus who climbs fig trees. Her heart fluttered and palpitated faster enough than the Japanese Mag-Lev.. Because she had been caught red-handed, by God (as she thought), on, I think, the most emblematic act of...

Disoriented Love


Every couple has an amazing yet unique story of how they met each other.  Men and women have been captured on television shows, magazines and whatnot narrating and confessing with nothing but sanitized ripples of joy on their faces: “I was walking lackadaisically down Champs-Elysée avenue when her exquisite beauty grabbed my attention and jumped on me like a naked man....


God’s Masterpiece

In the Beauty of the Universe

It’s Okay…

It’s Okay…

Reroute me

Reroute me

Utmost Surrender

Utmost Surrender

The One

The One